Started playing over the w/e. Too much to go into why Sega can't develop a decent Sonic game. The last one was Sonic Adventure 1 on the Dreamcast!
Anyway. This - unsurprisingly - adds to the dearth of good Sonic games. It's basically a Mario Kart clone (no surprises there then) and you choose from a bunch of characters and drive around racing tracks. Simples.
Visually - the tracks are nice. Some of the cars are cool, most are pretty average. The characters are ok - one or two to get excited about, but not that many tbh.
Playability wise - it's just like every other MK clone out there - offers very little new or original. I've only kept playing for three days in the hopes of finding some secret hidden game play gem amongst the cookie cutter design. No luck so far.
Word of advice to anyone making an MK clone: Play Diddy Kong racing (N64 NOT DS). Play it to death and see a brilliant fusion of the racing and platform genres. Note: NOT the multiplayer - just the SP story mode. It's just fantastic and has never been matched - even by MK itself IMO!
metascore - 75.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/xbox360/sonicandsegaallstarsracingwbanjokazooie?q=sonic and sega all stars racing